Character Design

The process of creating a character for your brand, presentation or video is a very complex chain of steps that requires a lot of creativity and practice. Don’t let that discourage you if you’re not an illustrator, but want to create your own character. You can always scribble your concepts and enlist the help of…

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6 Scientific Benefits Of Playing Video Games

In most cases, this involves developing some sort of strategy to stay alive or defeat a boss; build a structure or blow one. This has been recognized by several researchers and clinicians, and the principles of video games are still implemented in situations of training, rehabilitation and other cognitive development exercises. Traditionally, video games have…

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How To Convince Your Parents To Give You A Cat

It is well known that cats require their litter boxes to be cleaned daily or even after a few hours. Cats are creatures that value hygiene and have zero tolerance for dirty litter boxes. Although cats tend to be safer when inside, they can also get bored. Create a seductive indoor environment for your new…

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36 Paving Stone Ideas

This detail is not only created to emphasize the bonding or individuality of the bricks, there is a solid technical principle. When choosing a paver for a project, the difference between monotonous and multicolored is fundamental. A monotone is pure and sharp, but shows even the slightest spot. A brick cobblestone driveway should be washed…

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Which Aluminium T

With the T-slot, they have also become much easier to build and easier to install, with virtually no drawbacks. Aluminum extrusion systems, on the other hand, are much more flexible. Parts can be separated and then reassembled as needed, and it’s easy to move connectors a few inches here or there to allow for changes…

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