Occupational Health – What Is the BIG Picture of OH?



The rapid development of health and prevention services in the workplace has been spurred by government policies and recommendations, as well as by European Union health and safety legislation in the workplace and by the European Commission’s Public Health Programme. This has also been largely due to new requirements and expectations on the part of employers, employees and their representative bodies, as they recognize the economic, social and medical benefits associated with the provision of these services in the workplace, and therefore the knowledge and evidence available. . for continuous improvement. professional health management. Comprehensive occupational health management is a process in which all stakeholders within and outside any company participate. It aims to enable them to take responsibility for their health and the health of their families, taking into account environmental factors, lifestyle, occupational and social health and the quality of care. It is based on the principles of health promotion and poses a serious challenge to health, environment and safety professionals who provide services, advice, information and training to social partners at work.
Protect your health from health and safety hazards in the production environment.
Promote healthy jobs for people of all ages and healthy ageing through an appropriate culture of work, labour organization and support for social cohesion.
Promote mental health, healthy lifestyles, and the prevention of major noncommunicable diseases through specific health policies and management tools.
Maintain ability to work and, therefore, employment opportunities throughout your working life.
Reducing health costs caused by injury, disease, disease and early retirement of workers and employers due to or under the influence of occupational factors, environmental, lifestyle and social health factors.
Use resources effectively, protect the environment, and create a healthy environment.
Improving social communication and literacy on health, environment and ethics.

This series describes the author’s observations about the various roles of a occupational health nurse. This series recognizes the large differences that exist in nurses’ health and safety practices between different production and work environments, but reflects the standards already achieved where workplace care is most advanced. However, it must be recognized that the level of education, skills and applicable national legislation determine the role that occupational health professionals can play effectively. Most importantly, remember that no professional in the fascinating medical professions in the workplace can now meet all the medical needs of the workforce. An interdisciplinary approach is needed to effectively manage the growing health and safety requirements in the corporate world.

Occupational health services rely on the skills of many professionals, such as professional doctors, health engineers, hygienists, occupational health professionals, ergonomics, physiotherapists, therapists, lab technicians, psychologists and other professionals. The roles and tasks actually performed for companies by representatives of different professions related to occupational health and safety are significantly different depending on legal needs, the scope of the concept of professional hygiene in the perception of managers, business practices. Applications, their level of training, their health and safety situation. infrastructure, the actions of insurance companies and many other factors. Occupational health nurses are the largest group of health professionals involved in occupational health services and play a crucial role in the management of occupational health. They are at the forefront of protecting and promoting the health of the country’s workforce.

The role of a occupational health nurse in occupational health management is a new and interesting concept designed to improve health management and health problems in the workplace.

The changing nature of professional life and new challenges

The world of work has changed dramatically in the last hundred years. Very heavy, dirty and dangerous production has virtually disappeared, and the burden of diseases associated with them has decreased in most European countries. However, the new working environment and working conditions that have replaced have raised new and different concerns about the health of the labour force. Exposure to physical, chemical, biological and psychosocial risk factors in the workplace is now much more clearly linked to the health status of the general public. Society’s expectations of occupational health have also changed with the increasing requirements for higher standards of protection in the workplace and for improving the quality of working life. Employers also recognize that health problems such as sick leave, litigation and compensation costs, and rising premiums are costly; Ignoring them can have serious economic consequences. The best employers emphasize the important message that good health is good and that much can be achieved by simply implementing best management methods.

The need to manage the workplace

About 400 million people work in EU member states. Most of them spend more than half of their waking lives at work. However, fatal accidents at work are still common. The standardized accident rate per 100,000 workers in the European Union shows that the number of fatal accidents ranges from 1.6 in the UK to 13.9 in Spain, Austria, Greece, France, Italy and Portugal, more than 5.0%. Across the European region, 100,000 employees have between 200 and 7,500 non-fatal accidents per year, of which about 10% are serious, resulting in more than 60 days of absenteeism and up to 5% per year of permanent disability. The total loss of society from industrial accidents and occupational diseases in the European Union is estimated to range from 185 to 270 billion ECU per year, or from 2.6% to 3.8% of gross national product (GNP) in member states. . Losses from workplace accidents and health problems, both financial and human, remain a huge burden, largely unrecognized in the UK.


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